Teeball Coaching
The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.” – Babe Ruth
Coaches are an essential part of our club and form part of our core group of volunteers who help make games happen. As such, we provide free training and support to these people who kindly give up their free time to enable our players to have fun.

Get Parents Involved
Sitting on the sidelines for an hour during practice isn't a lot of fun, so getting parents involved is a win-win.
Off the bat (excuse the pun) ask for help. You will need at least 3 parent helpers each training session. So, it’s best to set expectations early and let parents know you'll need help.
Doing this will allow you to split the kids up into stations, keeping them active & engaged throughout the whole session.
How to run Teeball Practice
Now you have some help, consider using stations.
Using separate stations allows you to break into smaller groups. A typical practice might look like
- Warm-Up Drills (10 mins)
- 3 X Stations (10 mins per station)
- Game Play (20 mins)
Scroll to the bottom of this page for Video resources & station ideas.

Learn the Rules
Knowing the rules is important. That's probably pretty self-explanatory, but knowing the rules ensures
- You understand the umpire's decisions
- You can teach the kids the in's and out's of the game
- Educate parents sometimes, as to why on field decisions are made
- Kids safety and ensuring maximum fun
Under 7s Training
Are you coaching under 7's for the first time? This is a guide to help introduce teeball to the kids and provide you with some basics for your first training session.
The key for coaching under 7s is
- Consistent Improvement
- Be Patient
- Have Fun

Coaching Accreditation
The Level 'A' Teeball coaching accreditation course is a recommended course for any aspiring coach.
Consisting of an online theory session, and a half-day practical session, it provides you with behaviour strategies, skills drills, as well as great advice from a seasoned coach.
Check the TBAWA website for the most up-to-date list of upcoming coaching clinics. In the meantime here are some useful notes.
Our CHIEFS Sessions (Carine Hitting, Innovation & Effective Fielding Syndicate), offer an opportunity for coaches, assistant coaches, or parents looking to learn more about the game to get together and present drills, games or competitions that they like to use at their trainings. We work through them in the field so that we can all understand them, and then take them back to respective teams. They are a great opportunity for social networking as well! Keep an eye out for dates via email or our social media channels.
Under 7s Fielding
Coach Luke runs a super-session covering catching, throwing, ground balls and games.
Under 7s
Batting Basics
Coach Tom shares some of the basics of batting technique.
Under 7s | Under 9s | Seniors
Throwing Basics
Coach James explains a simple way to break down a throw for younger players.
Under 7s
Fielding Star Drill
Coach Alan steps through an infield fielding drill, with a competitive twist.
Under 9s | Seniors
Outfield Relay Drill
Coach Ray shares a drill to help with those long outfield throws back to home.
Under 7s | Under 9s | Seniors
Tagging Drill
Coach Craig explains a drill that targets infielding, tagging and base-running.
Under 7s | Under 9s
Last Person Standing
Coach Ben shares a game that focuses on accurate base throwing targeting the lead runner.
Under 9s | Seniors
Ripken Baseball Fielding Tip - Fielding a Ground Ball
How to: Field a Ground Ball | Baseball Fielding Tips
Simple & Easy Baseball Fielding Drills for Kids!
3 Simple Tips To Become A Dominant Infielder! - Baseball Fielding Tips
The “Big 5” Must Know Infield Drills
Extreme Baseball Infield Drills
Infield - Every Day Drills (EDDs)
Learning How to Throw the Baseball Correctly (7 & 8 year olds)
How to Throw a Baseball ‐ Baseball Throwing Mechanics
Baseball Throwing Progression Drills
Throwing Instruction and Drills
Beginners Guide to Hitting
How to Improve your Hitting
Baseball Hitting Mechanics (Simplified)
The 7 Steps to the Perfect Baseball Swing
Load and Separation
Drills you can do yourself
Yankees Hitting Coach Gives 3 Tips to Perfect Your Swing
Load and Body Movement
If you would like to know more about coaching or are simply interested in the techniques and tools used, please refer to the below information:
- Introduction to Coaching Teeball - U7s and Getting Started
- Coaching Drills and Skills - U9s to Seniors
- Notes from the Coaching Clinics - Notes for U7s & Notes for U9s and above
- Fielding Rotation Roster
- Diamond Training and Game Templates - 2 game layout & 3 game layout
- Batting Roster Evaluation
- First Time Coaching Tips
More handy links:
- Clubs Online - Department of Sport and Recreation coaching information
- Australian Sports Commission – Coaching tips and advice
- Baseball WA
- Little League WA
- Baseball WA Junior Baseball Rules
- Little League World Champions Greatest Moments
For more information, please contact our Coaching Coordinator