Interclub Carnivals
While participation in our State Championships teams is based on a selection process, there are opportunities for club teams and individual players to experience the fantastic atmosphere and challenge of a Teeball Carnival. There are currently two carnivals available, with participation at these based on a nomination process rather than a merit/selection process.
Warren Lake Carnival
The Warren Lake Carnival is run by the Teeball Association of Western Australia (TBAWA), and is designed as a single-day tournament for regular Saturday club teams who nominate. Usually held in December at Yokine Reserve, with nominations due in early November, there are strict rules around the types of teams that can attend. Teams must be made up from a regular club team, with proof (in the form of a Saturday scorecard), that players normally play together at club level.
The club will call for nominations early in the season (usually around Round 3), and coaches and managers should discuss with their team whether they would like to nominate. Teams will play four 40 minute games on a Sunday. Teams wear their usual Saturday uniforms, and are expected to provide an umpire and scorer as they would for a normal club game.
Carine Cats traditionally enters two to three club teams into this carnival each year, however there is no limit as to how many teams may nominate. Previous attendees have commented on the positive atmosphere and growth in player development that has come out of attending a carnival such as this.
More information about the Warren Lake Carnival can be found at the TBAWA website, or by emailing the Carine Cats States Coordinator.

Natasha Bakranich All Girls Carnival
Registrations close Saturday, October 22. Register now to avoid missing out!
CARNIVAL DATE: Sunday 20 November
The Natasha Bakranich All Girls Carnival aims to provide an opportunity for girls to shine in a non-mixed environment. Although Carine is fortunate to be able to offer girls-only club competition due to our size, many clubs around Perth are not in the same position, and this offers a unique opportunity for them. Carine Cats are proud to support this initiative and look forward to providing our girls with an opportunity to shine in an all-day carnival environment.
The All Girls Carnival is hosted by Huntingdale, who developed the concept. For many girls who nominate, this is their first experience of a full-day carnival environment, and the confidence, growth and camaraderie that develops can be seen throughout our Saturday club games for the remainder of the season.
Individual nominations are called for early in the Teeball season, and teams will be formed based on age groups and nominations numbers. Once formed, teams will be required to select a coach, manager and umpire.
More information about the Natasha Bakranich All Girls Carnival can be requested by emailing the Carine Cats States Coordinator.